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Turkish Competition Board Fined Sony for Fixing Resale Prices, First Time In Online Sales

The second fine in the year 2018 regarding resale price maintenance was given to Sony Eurasia Pazarlama A.Ş. for the violation Article 4 of the Act No. 4054 by maintaining the resale price of the dealers in online sales. It is necessary to see the reasoned decision for ensuring if the infringement was limited only...Turkish Competition Board Fined Sony for Fixing Resale Prices, First Time In Online Sales

Turkish Personal Data Protection Board’s Resolution on Advertising Activities

The Turkish Data Protection Board (“Board”) has adopted a new resolution regarding advertising activities, published in the Official Gazette on 1 November 2018. The Board has announced that those who send advertising materials by emails, SMS or make marketing calls directed to data subjects, in a manner contrary to Law on The Protection of Personal...Turkish Personal Data Protection Board’s Resolution on Advertising Activities

Dominant Position and Its Abuse: The Practice in Turkey

ÖZET Bilindiği üzere, rekabet hukuku rekabeti bozucu anlaşmalar ve hakim durumun kötüye kullanılması olmak üzere iki temel üzerine oturmaktadır. Bu bağlamda bu çalışma, henüz başlangıç aşamasında sayılabilecek olan Türk rekabet hukukunda bu temellerden birisi olan hakim durum kavramını ve 4054 sayılı Kanun’da düzenlendiği haliyle kötüye kullanılmasını Kurul kararları çerçevesinde incelemektedir. Makalede öncelikle Avrupa Komisyonu-Adalet Divanı’nın hakim duruma yaklaşımı Rekabet Kurulu’nun...Dominant Position and Its Abuse: The Practice in Turkey